There are always a lot of new pics

Well, I'll start with some pictures of my own. they are quite old and you can view them also on, but here i will add description and comments for each.
Summer, sun, water... Sparkling combination!

Check out the date! First of January, as soon as i woke up i went to the city to make some pics. Unfortunately, batteries go dead in 3 min on -15°C.

But i still managed to make some pictures. I can almost feel the frost. 

I was rushing through the city to the riverside, and that was the last pic i could do before my camera went dead.

An we're back to summer.

My lazy cat is chilling in the grass.(Captain)

These are my favorite flowers! Seriously, when there are a lot of them, it looks like thw whole field is flooded with white and red stuff. Awesome.

they are cute and not arrogant like, for instance roses or other (don't know the names in English) fix: thanks to Lealeepo i now know they're called daisies


  1. Nothing beats summer. We only recently started having decently warm weather in Denmark, it's awesome! :)

  2. WOW. These are amazing pictures! They're soooo good

  3. Sweet. Would like to have that weather in my country too. The flowers are called daisies in English!

  4. thank you, guys, especially Lealeepo! ^__^

  5. Great pictures! I love the jump from winter to summer.

  6. i never knew that about batteries going dead in summer! that sucks haha, great photos though :)

  7. u mean in winter? yeah it's true. (

  8. You took them? Pretty good.

  9. These are really cool! Following your blog :)
